Yesterday Only the Devil Lives Without Hope was screened in Tashkent.
Yesterday, June 30, Only the Devil Lives Without Hope was screened at the 139 Documentary Center in Tashkent. This was the first screening of the film inside Uzbekistan.
Only the Devil Lives Without Hope portrays human rights activist Dilya Erkinzoda’s 20-year long struggle for the release of her brother Iskandar. He was thrown in prison, after the Uzbek state falsely accused him of being a terrorist.
Around 70 people attended the screening in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. In many ways a rare event in a country with limited civil rights and a regime trying to control information.
”An important film”, ”Shocking and depressing for us Uzbeks”, ”20 years of Uzbek history condensed to less than 2 hours”, were some of the reactions from the people attending.
After the film the audience discussed the film with director Magnus Gertten via Zoom. Included in the debate were also Uzbek ex-prisoners as well as Steve Swerdlow, former Human Rights Watch representative in Central Asia and a prominent human rights lawyer.
Thanks to Timur and the 139 Documentary Center for organising the screening!
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Read more about Only the Devil Lives Without Hope.