Now you can see Only the Devil Lives Without Hope online and get a recorded Q&A.
Our latest film Only the Devil Lives Without Hope directed by Magnus Gertten is now available online for streaming and download. You can get the film and a recorded Q&A with Director Magnus Gertten and main character Dilya Erkinzoda.
Guy Lodge at The Guardian has called the film “.. a stirring window into a little-reported national crisis.”
Bianca-Olivia Nita at Modern Times Review wrote: “The thriller-like atmosphere and events featured in the film are filled with unexpected twists and turns.”
After world premiere at the leading documentary film festival cph:dox in Copenhagen, North American premiere at Hot Docs in Toronto and Asian premiere at the EIDF festival in Seoul, the film was recently awarded the main documentary award for feature length documentaries at Nordic/Docs in Norway.
At our Auto Images VOD page on Vimeo, you can now see Only the Devil Lives Without Hope.