At the moment no less than five Auto Images documentaries are featured on SVT Play. So, take the opportunity to go in and see some of our classics but also our latest international documentaries. Or check the Auto Images streaming page to see more of our films.
In Caroline Troedsson's court case thriller Patriotic Highway, the Swedish international judge Marie Tuma is facing big challenges during the corruption case against the top politician of Kosovo, Fatmir Limaj. The film was awarded with a special mention at the ALB DOC festival in Sarajevo. See Patriotic Highway at SVT Play.
In the multiple awarded documentaries Harbour of Hope and Every Face Has a Name, director Magnus Gertten dives into a film reel from 1945, with war refugees arriving in the harbor of Malmö. Through personal encounters the survivors tell their heartbreaking stories about the complicated moment of freedom. At SVT Play you can see Harbour of Hope and Every Face Has a Name.
For more than three decades, Lasse Holmqvist was one of Swedish TV's greatest personalities with huge successes. In Tv till varje pris - en film om Lasse Holmqvist (TV at All Costs - a film about Lasse Holmqvist) directors Magnus Gertten and Martin Theander draw a portrait of an entertainment giant, a man who stormed into the first Swedish television sets and then refused to leave it again. See Tv till varje pris - en film om Lasse Holmqvist.
Sten Broman's poignant Lunda dialect, startling costumes and enthusiasm for spreading knowledge of classical music made him one of the biggest TV profiles of the 1960s and 1970s. Carin Bräcks and Stefan Karlsson's film Jag är sån här - en film om Sten Broman (I am like this - a film about Sten Broman) is much more than a portrait of a man who always went his own way. It is also a fantastic piece of TV culture and contemporary history. See Jag är sån här - en film om Sten Broman.
If you want to see international versions of Auto Images productions or if you cannot access SVT Play, check out our Auto Images streaming page.